Claim Your Custom LinkedIn Profile URL

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Quick Win

When you signed up for LinkedIn you were auto-assigned a profile link. It’s usually made up of your name and a bunch of random numbers. For example: /jane-doe-834635322

Yuck! This is a rubbish reflection on your Personal Branding.

You can change this in 60 seconds! The old one stills works by redirecting to the new one, so you won’t lose anyone that uses the old link.

Free LinkedIn Course

This Quick Win course is provided FREE to everyone. NO enrolment required.

This Quick Win course is one of the lessons available in Your LinkedIn Profile: Optimize The Basics, a FREE course.

What Will You Learn?

  • How to claim your FREE custom LinkedIn Profile URL in 30 seconds.
  • Show others that you take your Professional Profile and Personal Branding seriously.

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